The McOmber Dairy lives on....sort of

Kyle said the only gift he wanted for our wedding was an Ice Cream Maker and I’m really glad because he has perfected this art. He continues to try different recipes and even if one doesn’t turn out the way he had planned, he keeps going and searches for inspiration everywhere. Kyle’s grandparents had a dairy and we have an old picture of one of their dairy trucks. I would love to remake the logo and use it for when Kyle makes ice cream and we hand it out to friends and family during Christmas time or even if he starts a small business with it on the side.

One of my favorites is his basic vanilla bean ice cream because he cooks it with vanilla bean seeds and the vanilla pods to really bring out that flavor. Most of his recipes call for a lot of egg, giving it that rich, almost custard like texture. 

One night he made a brown sugar, banana and pecan syrup to pour on top of the ice cream and I about died, it was so good. I got him this cookbook for his birthday and I’m so glad because he has made a lot of good ones from it. 

Another one of my favorites is his chocolate. It has a rich consistency and you almost feel bad for eating it…but not really. This time, he layered the chocolate with a peanut butter sauce. 

The cast of characters, as the Pioneer Woman refers to her ingredients. 

I love how he has a towel over his shoulder every time he cooks…so wise. 

This guy always likes to be in on what's happening in the kitchen. 

He made a lemon ice cream with speculous, gingerbread cookies on the side. He makes a good cookies and cream too.

We’ve also gotten into pizza making recently. I can’t decide whether I should say, “We shouldn’t be eating this because it’s not the best for you” vs. “We should eat this because it’s better than buying a pizza”. Either way, I like the way it gets both of us in the kitchen to arrange the pizzas. This time we made a Smores pizza that was delicious.

I also was craving P.F. Chang Lettuce Wraps and found an amazing recipe HERE. They turned out pretty good (I used turkey instead of chicken) and they seemed pretty healthy.

It's been pretty rainy and cold around here lately. Whenever I go out to the car and Boo is outside, he likes to follow me and jump in the car, especially when it is raining. I let him sit there for a bit until taking him back inside.

The other day I found his paw prints and it made me smile. January is flying along and I can't believe Kyle only has one more semester of school! I am loving my job and it will be interesting to see where life takes us when he graduates. 

Auld Lang Syne

As our Christmas holiday came to a close, we wanted to spend New Year’s Eve with Margaret and Austin and Kyle’s parents. We played plenty card games, ticket to ride, and the guys played Settlers of Catan while the girls worked on a puzzle. Millie and Charlotte, Margaret and Austin’s girls, loved the fireworks display outside the window. This year has been so amazing! Kyle and I have had so many fun trips and have been so blessed. We are so grateful for what we’ve been blessed with and for the fun times ahead in 2015. Happy New Year!

I love their tradition of keeping a tally of who wins. 

And it’s always fun coming back to this guy.