Before I start our love of Thanksgiving, I have to share the best new east coast Indian restaurant.
Dishes of India. You know when you put food in your mouth and the world stops spinning for a moment because it is so good? Yep, this happened for just about every bite. We got the usual Tikka Masala and some good salmon but the BEST dish was the Malai Kofta. They were basically little potato rolls filled with cheese and spinach and covered in this smooth sauce. We will definitely be going back!
We waked along the streets of Alexandria after we finished eating and I loved the lights and feel of the Christmas spirit (but we definitely give Thanksgiving it's time in this family according to Kyle....although I think I'd sometimes like to get the tree up before Thanksgiving). The night ended with prepping the crust for the next day's apple pie.
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition that we started last year is our SOME (So Others Might Eat)Turkey Trot 5k. The organization that puts it on raises a ton of money for meals for the homeless. I was able to be in charge of getting the donations and runners for the U.S. Chamber this year and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of this neat cause.
Last year was FREEZING but this year was a lot warmer. They also hold a costume contest and there were a couple of great ones including this baby dressed in a full turkey costume.
Kyle jokes that last year, there was a guy dressed up like a Christmas tree just laughing and happy to be running. Kyle said he even had a cooking apron on and was running with a spatula and whisk. He said there was no way this guy was passing him!
My favorite costume this year was a squirrel. Yes, a lady dressed up as a full blown squirrel carrying acorns. Kyle ran ahead and said "If you don't win best costume, I will put up a fight." Her friend was supportive with a turkey hat but she definitely won for most creativity. And that tail!
It's not every day you see a squirrel running a 5k in Washington D.C.!
No matter how long I've been here, it never gets old to see the Capitol. I love it so much.
And please note the lady with a turkey on her head in a fish costume.
It was such a beautiful day with lots of energy and endorphin filled racers.
Kyle and I usually like to aim to get a good time and cross in under half an hour but we ran with friends this year and enjoyed the trot.
We went to Thanksgiving with a bunch of friends in a darling townhouse in Alexandria. I was proud of my apple pie but was missing my mom's pie even though it's the exact same recipe. There is just something about her pie that makes my mouth water. Holidays are hard to be away from family which is why I am so grateful for good friends and passed down recipes. Kyle made his brown sugar maple ice cream and good old fashioned vanilla ice cream (drooling even thinking about them).
We're so grateful for good friends and food, healthy bodies and each other. Happy Thanksgiving!