I married into THE best family. I couldn’t have asked for a better family and what’s fun about Kyle being the only boy is that it provides plenty of opportunities for us to have girl’s trips. This past weekend I flew out to Utah for my first McOmber girls weekend getaway. We celebrated Kathryn’s birthday and I told Kyle when I came back that I felt like I have known them forever and that they welcomed me in with open arms like I was their fourth sister. They are so wonderful and have so many amazing qualities that I hope to have someday. We all slept at Kate’s house and the next morning we started our day off at the Bountiful Temple. I loved having that as the start of our weekend. Next we went to a charming French café in downtown Salt Lake City.
We got pedicures next and had one of the best dinners I have ever had at Pago in downtown Salt Lake.
And this is also why I love Kyle’s family and ESPECIALLY Becca.
Happy Birthday Kathryn!
Oh Utah, I miss your sunsets!
That night we drove up to Park City and stayed in the Waldorf Astoria there.
It was such a beautiful hotel nestled right up in the Wasatch Mountains.
I unfortunately caught a cold from the airplane and took cold medicine on an empty stomach which made for a quick run to the restroom after breakfast and loosing all of my meal ☹ I insisted it was just the cold medicine, but to be on the safe side, I took the pull out couch which felt like a normal bed to me because it was so nice. As much as I love spreading out in a bed on my own, I much more prefer sleeping next to Kyle and missed him while I was gone. It was the longest we had spent apart in our marriage so far and I hope it never happens again.
The next morning, I woke up early and took some photos of the view.
That afternoon we shopped and shopped. I absolutely LOVE girl’s trips for that reason! We ate at the same restaurant where my family ate about three years ago when I was dating Kyle and knew I wanted to marry him…that was fun to share with them. THEN… we went and rode Alpine Roller Coaster and I absolutely loved that we had to hike through the snow to get there. This was the same roller coaster Kyle and I went on when we were dating and it held up to be as good as I remembered it.
That night, we had a yummy dinner and then had a little preview of the hotel’s spa.
The hotel also had a s'mores night which we did not wait to try out.
Heated tile chairs....THE best.
The last morning we went down to the sauna and spa and relaxed before we had to leave. They dropped me off at my sister Liv’s so I could see her little belly (nothing is showing yet, but I can see a tiny bump). Oh thank you McOmber sisters. I really needed that break and it was so nice to just feel loved and welcomed into this beautiful family even more. And it was also nice to get back to your brother ☺ And I apparently missed the sunglasses memo.
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