Bumpdate: 18 Weeks & Trip to Harper's Ferry

This Week's Details:

How far along? 18 Weeks

Size of baby? An Artichoke or Sweet Potato (but let's be honest...they can be found in different sizes so it's hard to know exactly)

Stretch marks? Still nothing. I've loved my nightly ritual of putting on cocoa butter.

Sleep? Still doing okay at this point.

Best moment this week? Kyle and I finding out this little one is a GIRL! We had cupcakes made with the gender color inside and opened one together. I'm so glad we did it this way and I hope we continue this tradition for each baby.

Maternity Clothes? I am still holding out on not buying any!

Missing? Still missing deli meat sandwiches every now and then.

Movement? Not yet! I'm sure they are moving a ton but it may take a bit for my body to register what the movements are.

Food cravings? After opening up our cupcake on Monday, I've found that cake in general has been a craving. I now see a pattern with sweets although I've always been a sweets lover.

Food Aversions? I find that hamburger meat is still hard from time to time. It also depends on the day. Sometimes I will be wanting milk or something with calcium and other times, that is the last thing I want.

Bump? A tiny one! It still just feels like my stomach to me but I think I can see something starting to poke through.

Gender? Girl!

Names? Now that we know the gender, we have really started focusing in on names. I'd say we have about 5 that we are seriously considering. Kyle has given her the nickname of Squish from the get go and that has stuck for now.

Labor Signs? Nope! Although I do tend to get cramps every now and then but I think that is just my body getting used to the new weight.

Looking Forward To? Our baby moon in two weeks to Miami and the Florida Keys!

Kyle and I took a day trip out to see Harper's Ferry and it was the cutest little town. It started to rain on our hike so we warmed up with some hot chocolate....and maybe some ice cream afterwards. 

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