A Women's Early Spring Backpacking Trip

Well I did it. I went on a backpacking trip. Without Kyle. With ALL women. And it was amazing. 

It's a big deal to say I went without Kyle because Kyle loves the outdoors and any chance he can get to hike through Shenandoah. A few of the women in our ward and other wards nearby get together every April and October to hike to a location overnight somewhere in Shenandoah. They camp and head out the next day. I decided it would be a great way to get in some exercise at 14 weeks pregnant. 

We got our gear together and headed out around noon. I didn't realize that the hike in was almost uphill most of the way! By the end, my legs were burning but it felt very accomplished as we set up for camp and got our food ready for the night. Since it was the middle of April, it was actually pretty cold and we huddled around that fire but other than that, I loved being out in nature and learning more about the women in the group!

The leaves were just starting to come out after a long winter. 

I was so impressed by those that were able to keep up a quick pace in the front. 

We reached the top of a hill and could get a glimpse of the valley through the trees. 

We set up camp at a beautiful spot called Emerald Pond. It had an amazing shade of green, hence the name. 

We noticed someone had made a little cove to swim in but it was far too cold for any of us to go near the water.

Here we were the next morning, after somehow surviving the freezing night.

Baby's first backpacking trip....kind of. 

I loved capturing this photo once we had found this vista...I also loved how they were all wearing the best and bright colors of spring. 

We got out to see the view on our hike back down and it was amazing. Shenandoah has had a little fire scare lately but I think they are getting it under control. Being out here made me appreciate how close we are to such a magnificent national park. I can't wait to go on another outing with Kyle and ESPECIALLY to take our little one camping for the first time. 

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